3.7 ★
1h 45min
Rest in Peace: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date 27 March 2024
- Language Spanish
- Dubbed In English
- Genre Drama, Thriller
- Duration 1h 45min
- Cast
Joaquín Furriel, Griselda Siciliani, Gabriel Goity, Lali Gonzalez, Luciano Borges
- Director
Sebastián Borensztein
- Writer
Sebastián Borensztein, Marcos Osorio Vidal
- Cinematography Rodrigo Pulpeiro
- Music Federico Jusid
- Producer
Chino Darín, Ricardo Darín, Federico Posternak
- Production
Kenya Films
- Certificate 18+
About Rest in Peace Movie (2024)
A debt-ridden family man decides to disappear and start a new life with a false identity away from his country when unpredictable circumstances arise. But what happens when many years later a chance discovery tempts him to find out if the people in his town have moved on in his absence?
Rest in Peace Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Rest in Peace Movie Trailer
Rest in Peace Photos