Revolves around Revanth Deshpande (Ishan), a rich kid who doesn't depend on his father's money. He is a musician who goes by name Raymo. Soon, he falls in love with a girl named Mohana (Ashika Ranganath), who changes his life and his perspectives forever.
Raymo Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Ninnade Ninnade | Aniruddha Shastry, Sanjith Hegde, Indu Nagaraj | 5:12 | |
2. | Thareyo Koti Chandira Onti | Sonu Nigam | 4:26 | |
3. | Hodare Hogu Yaarige Beku | Shreya Ghoshal | 4:27 | |
4. | Neene Yella Berenilla | Armaan Malik | 3:08 | |
5. | Jagadhodharana | Indu Nagaraj | 3:31 |