Follows the story of Keerthana (Shilpa Manjunath), a 60-year-old woman who turns into a 20-year-old after she undergoes an experiment by an organisation that is conducting research on the process of age-reversing.
Perazhagi ISO Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Beauty Iva Sweety | Gana Harish, Rap King Madhan | 3:44 | |
2. | Sixty Ippo 20 Aanadhe | Charles Dhana, Rap King Madhan | 3:53 | |
3. | Kannala Enna Mayakiputa | Gana Padhma | 3:26 | |
4. | Sound Of Lion | Gana Padhma | 0:56 | |
5. | Bluewhale Beauty | Gana Padhma | 1:44 |