Pataakha is a Bollywood comedy-drama movie based on, Charan Singh Pathik's short story, Do Behnein. The story revolves around two sisters Champa/Badki (Radhika Madan) and Genda/Chuttki (Sanya Malhotra), who share a difficult sibling relationship. These two are always at war, no matter what.
Dipper Naradmuni (Sunil Grover) is their nosy neighbour, who lookouts for opportunities that can help create quarrels between the two sisters. Later after marriage separates them, they get to realize that they can neither live with or without each other.
Wait no more and watch Pataakha online to understand how this sibling quarrel settles and the two sisters get united to live happily ever after.
Pataakha Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Balma | Rekha Bhardwaj, Sunidhi Chauhan | 3:51 | |
2. | Pataakha | Vishal Bhardwaj | 3:37 | |
3. | Hello Hello | Rekha Bhardwaj | 3:27 | |
4. | Naina Banjare | Arijit Singh | 3:31 | |
5. | Gali Gali | Sukhwinder Singh | 3:41 |