The story of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy), the theoretical physicist and the father of the atomic bomb, who took part in the World War II Manhattan Project that led to the development of the world's first nuclear weapons — and who later found himself confronting the moral consequences of scientific progress.
Based on the Pulitzer Prize-winning biography American Prometheus: The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer.
Oppenheimer Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Fission | Ludwig Göransson | 4:38 | |
2. | Can You Hear The Music | Ludwig Göransson | 1:50 | |
3. | A Lowly Shoe Salesman | Ludwig Göransson | 3:34 | |
4. | Quantum Mechanics | Ludwig Göransson | 3:00 | |
5. | Gravity Swallows Light | Ludwig Göransson | 3:30 | |
6. | Meeting Kitty | Ludwig Göransson | 5:47 | |
7. | Groves | Ludwig Göransson | 3:03 | |
8. | Manhattan Project | Ludwig Göransson | 3:01 | |
9. | American Prometheus | Ludwig Göransson | 2:37 | |
10. | Atmospheric Ignition | Ludwig Göransson | 3:28 | |
11. | Los Alamos | Ludwig Göransson | 2:38 | |
12. | Fusion | Ludwig Göransson | 3:55 | |
13. | Colonel Pash | Ludwig Göransson | 4:57 | |
14. | Theorists | Ludwig Göransson | 3:14 | |
15. | Ground Zero | Ludwig Göransson | 4:21 | |
16. | Trinity | Ludwig Göransson | 7:52 | |
17. | What We Have Done | Ludwig Göransson | 5:45 | |
18. | Power Stays In The Shadows | Ludwig Göransson | 4:10 | |
19. | The Trial | Ludwig Göransson | 5:32 | |
20. | Dr. Hill | Ludwig Göransson | 4:23 | |
21. | Kitty Comes To Testify | Ludwig Göransson | 4:52 | |
22. | Something More Important | Ludwig Göransson | 3:25 | |
23. | Destroyer Of Worlds | Ludwig Göransson | 2:54 | |
24. | Oppenheimer | Ludwig Göransson | 2:16 |