Jigra, starring Alia Bhatt, is all set to make its way to Netflix for a global release. Directed by Vasan Bala, the film will be available for streaming starting December 6, 2024. The film explores the loving bond of a brother and sister and how far one can go for the love of their sibling. Although it did not get much audience in the theatres, this OTT release provides a fresh opportunity for audiences who missed it to watch the film from the comfort of their homes.
Jigra will be available for streaming exclusively on Netflix from December 6, 2024. Viewers can watch the film on the platform at any time, marking its first appearance on an OTT platform after its theatrical run. Netflix India shared the news with a poster on social media, announcing the release and offering fans a chance to catch the movie globally.
The trailer of Jigra showcases an intense narrative revolving around family bonds, sacrifice, and resilience. The film follows a young woman who must navigate through emotional turmoil to protect her loved ones. Directed by Vasan Bala, Jigra combines raw emotion with compelling storytelling, providing an engaging cinematic experience, as per reports.
Starring Alia Bhatt in the lead role, Jigra also features Vedang Raina, Manoj Pahwa and Vivek Gomber in key roles. Directed by Vasan Bala, the film is produced by Dharma Productions and Eternal Sunshine Productions. The movie's cast and crew bring their unique talents to a story that explores deep emotional themes.
As the film debuts on Netflix, audiences can expect to see fresh reviews and ratings. While it had a limited reception during its initial release, the film now aims to reach a wider global audience.
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