Nawabzaade is a 2018 Bollywood romantic comedy movie that revolves around three friends Salim (Dharmesh Yelande), Abhishek (Punit Pathak), and Karan (Raghav Juyal), fall for the same girl, Sheetal (Isha Rikhi), who lives in their neighbourhood.
All the three friends fight among themselves and are pitted against each other to win her affection, as she seems to be a simple and stay-at-home girl. Soon they realize that there is more to her than her innocent looks.
Watch Nawabzaade movie online to find how Sheetal was.
Nawabzaade Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | High Rated Gabru | Guru Randhawa | 2:59 |
2. | Tere Naal Nachna | Badshah, Sunanda Sharma | 2:48 |
3. | Mummy Kasam | Gurinder Seagal, Payal Dev, Ikka | 2:58 |
4. | High Rated Gabru (Female Version) | Aditi Singh Sharma | 2:05 |
5. | Lagi Hawa Dil Ko | Mika Singh, Gurinder Seagal, Altamash Faridi, Nettle | 5:10 |
6. | Amma Dekh | Gurinder Seagal, Ikka Singh, Sukriti Kakar | 2:43 |