Mulan is an action drama based on Disney’s 1998 animated film of the same title. The storyline is set in Imperial China and was shot majorly in the picturesque locations of New Zealand. It follows a young adventurous maiden named Mulan (Yifei Liu) as the protagonist. Much to her family’s dismal, Mulan leans more on the traditionally “un-ladylike” pursuits such as jumping from rooftops or sprinting. Soon, the emperor makes it compulsory for each family to send one male member to the army. With her ailing father being the only male in the house, they aren’t left with much of a choice. However, things take a dramatic turn when Mulan decides to disguise herself as a male warrior and join the army instead of her father.
Mulan Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
In some ways, Mulan represents a major departure from Disney's approach to live-action remakes of its beloved traditionally-animated movies. Unlike the Emma Watson-led Beauty and the Beast, the Will Smith-starring Aladdin, or Jon Favreau's The Lion King (technically not live-action), the new Mulan is not a musical. Yes, it's not the first one; Disney allowed Favreau to do the same for The Jungle Book (more or less, it had a couple of songs). But Mulan has also excised characters and introduced new ones. Out goes the small pet dragon Mushu — voiced by Eddie Murphy, who served as a comic relief — because it wasn't received well in China, and in comes a shapeshifting witch called Xianniang, played by Gong Li, considered the best actress in China today.