Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case

1h 40min
Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date 26 July 2023
- Language English
- Dubbed In German, Spanish, Portuguese, Czech, Polish, Thai, Hungarian
- Genre Crime, Documentary
- Duration 1h 40min
- Cast
Katsuyoshi Abe, Jake Adelstein, Yasuhiko Asano, Lucie Blackman, Tim Blackman, Tony Blair, Clare Campbell, Keizo Harafuji, Junichiro Kuku, Tokie Maruyama, Akira Mitsuzanemore...
- Director
Hyoe Yamamoto
- Writer
Shoji Takao
- Cinematography Gary Rogers
- Music Rob Manning, Anne Nikitin
- Producer
Donovan Chan, Jocelyn Little, Rob Sixsmith
- Production
Beach House Pictures, Netflix, Vesuvius Pictures
- Certificate 16+
About Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case Movie (2023)
A complex international investigation takes place to find Lucie Blackman, a 21-year-old British flight stewardess who traveled from London to Tokyo, and disappeared without a trace three weeks after arriving there.
Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case Movie Trailer
Missing: The Lucie Blackman Case Photos