An animated comedy about a family of ducks who convince their over-protective father to go on the vacation of a lifetime, as they attempt to migrate from New England, through New York City, and ultimately down to the Bahamas.
Migration Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Bedtime Story | John Powell | 1:46 | |
2. | What Else Is Out There? | John Powell | 1:50 | |
3. | The Flock Arrives | John Powell | 1:00 | |
4. | Join Our Migration | John Powell | 3:30 | |
5. | Open Your Eyes | John Powell | 1:27 | |
6. | Uncle Dan | John Powell | 1:57 | |
7. | Let's Fly | John Powell | 1:51 | |
8. | Heron Adventures | John Powell | 5:35 | |
9. | Night Time, Day Time | John Powell | 3:07 | |
10. | Fog World | John Powell | 1:36 | |
11. | Central Park | John Powell | 3:04 | |
12. | Chump | John Powell | 1:25 | |
13. | Follow Me, But Not Too Close | John Powell | 2:58 | |
14. | Meet Delroy | John Powell | 3:15 | |
15. | Kitchen Key Caper | John Powell | 2:55 | |
16. | Survivor (Film Version) | John Powell, Mon Laferte | 1:45 | |
17. | He's Coming! | John Powell | 1:58 | |
18. | The Key to Regurgitation | John Powell | 2:13 | |
19. | Migration Continues | John Powell | 1:50 | |
20. | Eye of Doga | John Powell | 1:49 | |
21. | Duck Heaven | John Powell | 1:52 | |
22. | Chef at Farm | John Powell | 3:55 | |
23. | You Need a Hug | John Powell | 1:48 | |
24. | Helicopter Attack | John Powell | 2:11 | |
25. | Hopelessness Tango | John Powell | 2:53 | |
26. | Rebellion of the Winged | John Powell | 3:56 | |
27. | Jamaica | John Powell | 3:56 | |
28. | Migration End Titles | John Powell | 1:59 | |
29. | Survivor (Full Version) | Mon Laferte | 3:03 |