Following a personal tragedy that brings her world crashing down, Sheel (Sakshi Tanwar), a docile 47-year-old wife-and-mother is put under extraordinary circumstances in her quest to uncover the truth. Sucked into a rabbit hole of violence and power, she finds herself entangled with white-collar crime and dirty politics that forever changes her and the world she inhabits.
Mai Web Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings
Mai — streaming Friday 12:30pm IST on Netflix — keeps asking the same question in the beginning through its titular protagonist: “Who killed my daughter?” For a series that's meant to be about a mother (Sakshi Tanwar, from Kahaani Ghar Ghar Kii) trying to find those who did the deed, it's a simple way to reassert what it's about. But maybe it ought to have served as a reminder for Mai's makers too. For the Netflix series gets side tracked — again and again — with half a dozen subplots. There's a child given up at birth. A cop stuck in a loveless marriage. Societal problems for gay henchmen. A brother- and sister-in-law who look down their noses. A cross-state medical scam, with a special forces team investigating it. And a former escort with more power than she knows what to do with.