Set in a post-apocalyptic desert wasteland, years after the collapse of civilisation, Fury Road follows Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy), a loner and former captive. He joins forces with a rebellious woman, Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron), to flee from the ruthless warlord Joe (Hugh Keays-Byrne) and his henchmen.
They are accompanied by Joe's wives: Capable (Riley Keough), Cheedo (Courtney Eaton), Toast (Zoë Kravitz), the Dag (Abbey Lee), and the Splendid Angharad (Rosie Huntington-Whiteley).
After Max steals the massive armoured truck, the War Rig, they try to escape the ruthless warlord, leading to a high-speed chase through the Wasteland which turns into a road battle.
Mad Max: Fury Road Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Survive | Junkie XL | 1:30 | |
2. | Escape | Junkie XL | 2:14 | |
3. | Immortan's Citadel | Junkie XL | 8:41 | |
4. | Blood Bag | Junkie XL | 2:30 | |
5. | Spikey Cars | Junkie XL | 3:11 | |
6. | Storm Is Coming | Junkie XL | 5:36 | |
7. | We Are Not Things | Junkie XL | 1:37 | |
8. | Water | Junkie XL | 3:15 | |
9. | The Rig | Junkie XL | 4:13 | |
10. | Brothers In Arms | Junkie XL | 4:22 | |
11. | The Bog | Junkie XL | 6:58 | |
12. | Redemption | Junkie XL | 1:45 | |
13. | Many Mothers | Junkie XL | 5:15 | |
14. | Claw Trucks | Junkie XL | 5:31 | |
15. | Chapter Doof - Extended Version | Junkie XL | 7:04 | |
16. | My Name Is Max - Extended Version | Junkie XL | 4:43 | |
17. | Let Them Up | Junkie XL | 2:36 |