
1h 58min
Locked Down: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date in US 14 January 2021
- Release Date in India 28 April 2022
- Language English
- Dubbed In French, Italian, Spanish
- Genre Crime, Drama
- Duration 1h 58min
- Cast
Anne Hathaway, Chiwetel Ejiofor, Stephen Merchant, Mindy Kaling, Lucy Boynton, Mark Gatiss, Claes Bang, Dulé Hill, Jazmyn Simon, Sam Spruell, Frances Ruffelle, Ben Stiller, Ben Kingsleymore...
- Director
Doug Liman
- Writer
Steven Knight
- Cinematography Remi Adefarasin
- Music John Powell
- Producer
P. J. van Sandwijk, Alison Winter, Michael Lesslie
- Production
AGC Studios, Storyteller Productions, Hypnotic, Nebulastar
- Certificate 16+
About Locked Down Movie (2022)
As the world goes into COVID-19 induced lockdowns, former spouses Paxton (Chiwetel Ejiofor) and Linda (Anne Hathaway) plan to steal a diamond worth millions, rekindling their relationship in the course.
Locked Down Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Locked Down Movie Trailer
Locked Down Photos