1 ★

1h 41min
House of Spoils: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date 3 October 2024
- Language English
- Dubbed In Hindi, French, Italian, Portuguese, Japanese, Polish, Turkish, Dutch, Thai
- Genre Horror, Thriller
- Duration 1h 41min
- Cast
Marton Csokas, Ariana DeBose, Amara Karan, Barbie Ferreira, Arian Moayed, Szonja Oroszlán, Mikkel Bratt Silset, Jeremy Wheeler, Dorka Gryllusmore...
- Director
Bridget Savage Cole, Danielle Krudy
- Writer
Bridget Savage Cole, Danielle Krudy
- Cinematography Eric Lin
- Music Jim Williams
- Producer
Jason Blum, Greg Gilreath, Adam Hendricks, Drew Houpt, Lucas Joaquin, Alex Scharfman
- Production
Amazon Studios, Blumhouse Television, Divide/Conquer, Secret Engine, The Royal Budapest Film Co
- Certificate 18+
About House of Spoils Movie (2024)
As a chef (Ariana DeBose) opens her first restaurant, she must battle kitchen chaos, a dubious investor, self doubt, and the spirit of the estate's previous owner who threatens to sabotage her.
House of Spoils Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
House of Spoils Movie Trailer
House of Spoils Photos