2.7 ★

1h 31min
Goodnight Mommy: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date 16 September 2022
- Language English
- Dubbed In Hindi, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Japanese, Polish, Dutch
- Genre Crime, Drama, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
- Duration 1h 31min
- Cast
Naomi Watts, Cameron Crovetti, Peter Hermann, Nicholas Crovetti, Jeremy Bobb, Crystal Lucas-Perry
- Director
Matt Sobel
- Writer
Kyle Warren
- Cinematography Alexander Dynan
- Music Alex Weston
- Producer
Joshua Astrachan, Nicolas Brigaud-Robert, Valéry Guibal, David Kaplan
- Production
Animal Kingdom, Playtime
- Certificate 16+
About Goodnight Mommy Movie (2022)
In the remake of the 2014 Austrian film of the same name, twin brothers arrive home and find that their mother’s demeanour has altered, with her face covered in surgical bandages. A series of events take place, and they begin to suspect that their mother might not be their mother.
Goodnight Mommy Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Goodnight Mommy Movie Trailer
Goodnight Mommy Photos