5 ★

1h 36min
Girls State: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast
- Release Date 18 January 2024
- Language English
- Genre Documentary
- Duration 1h 36min
- Cast
Tochi Ihekona, Nisha Murali, Cecilia Bartin, Faith Glasgow, Emily Worthmore, Brooke Taylor, Maddie Rowan
- Director
Amanda McBaine, Jesse Moss
- Cinematography Daniel Carter, Laura Hudock, Laela Kilbourn, Keri Oberly, Erynn Patrick, Martina Radwan, thorsten Thielow
- Music T. Griffin
- Producer
Amanda McBaine, Jesse Moss
- Production
Apple Original Films, Concordia Studio, Mile End Films
- Certificate 16+
About Girls State Movie (2024)
Around 500 teenage girls — from wildly different backgrounds across Missouri — come together to campaign for office, build a government from the ground up, and organize a Supreme Court to consider the most contentious issues of the day. This week-long experiment gives a peek into what would American democracy look like in the hands of teenage girls.
Girls State Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
Girls State Movie Trailer