The film revolves around a fictional village called Thannilankadu, Tamilnadu and the political influence on the villages where the waste is being dumped. The hazardous waste causes numerous health problems and a sudden outbreak of an unknown virus, as the people react to the situation.
Galtha Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | Kannaana Kannukulla | Senthil Ganesh, Rajalakshmi | 3:15 | |
2. | Kadhal Thavara | Karthik, Vandana Srinivasan | 4:09 | |
3. | Appa Orumurai Parapa | Madhu Balakrishnan | 4:04 | |
4. | Galtha Da | Deva | 2:30 | |
5. | Kannaana Kannukulla (Reprise) | Gana Muthu | 4:18 | |
6. | Kadhal Thavara (Karaoke) | K. Jaikrish | 4:09 |