To find his missing nine-year-old son (Ivan Morris Howe), a puppeteer named Vincent (Benedict Cumberbatch) takes help of his seven-foot-tall puppet called Eric. Set in 1980s New York.
Eric TV Series Cast, Episodes, Release Date, Trailer and Ratings
1. | Eric Main Theme | Keefus Ciancia | 3:30 | |
2. | Eric In Daylight | Keefus Ciancia | 2:57 | |
3. | George Lovett | Keefus Ciancia | 3:11 | |
4. | He's Not There | Keefus Ciancia | 1:16 | |
5. | Vincent, George, The Map | Keefus Ciancia | 1:20 | |
6. | End Of The Map | Keefus Ciancia | 2:02 | |
7. | Unconscious Vincent | Keefus Ciancia | 2:10 | |
8. | Ledroit, The Tape | Keefus Ciancia | 3:07 | |
9. | The Real Monster | Keefus Ciancia | 1:43 | |
10. | The Game Is Up | Keefus Ciancia | 2:05 | |
11. | Vincent Awakes | Keefus Ciancia | 2:35 | |
12. | Where Are Ya Buddy | Keefus Ciancia | 0:48 | |
13. | Vincent's Eric | Keefus Ciancia | 1:12 | |
14. | Edgar See’s Vincent On Television | Keefus Ciancia | 0:59 | |
15. | Running Home | Keefus Ciancia | 1:55 | |
16. | Home | Keefus Ciancia | 1:52 | |
17. | Us By Your Side | Keefus Ciancia | 1:07 | |
18. | Pure Sunshine | Keefus Ciancia | 0:57 | |
19. | Pleased To Meet You Eric | Keefus Ciancia | 4:19 |