The movie revolves around the squabbling Sharma family, led by their eccentric Daduji Shivnath (Harindranath Chattopadhyay), and their home Shanti Niwas, where no one wants to work as a cook. The Sharmas, who are desperate for a cook, are relieved when a multi-talented man Raghu (Rajesh Khanna) takes up the job. However, when all seems well, the family jewels and Raghu disappear.
Bawarchi Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings
1. | More Naina Bahayen Neer | Lata Mangeshkar | 5:03 | |
2. | Bhor Aai Gaya Andhiyara | Manna Dey, Kishore Kumar, Lakshmi Shankar, Nirmala Devi, Harindranath Chattopadhyay | 9:29 | |
3. | Kahe Kanha Karat Barjori | Lakshmi Shankar | 3:53 | |
4. | Pahle Chori Phir Seenajori | Kumari Faiyaz | 4:09 | |
5. | Mast Pawan Dole Re | Lata Mangeshkar | 4:52 | |
6. | Tum Bin Jeevan | Manna Dey, Asrani | 5:43 |