Netgear has launched the Netgear Arlo Pro smart camera for home security in India. Netgear calls the Arlo Pro a “wire-free, weatherproof HD camera” and claims that it has a wide 130-degree field of view. The Arlo Pro uses two rechargeable batteries and that means you can place it inside or outside your home. There’s no need to connect the camera to a power socket but in case you want to do that, the option is available. The Arlo Pro system launched in India is model VMS4230, which comes with two security cameras (with rechargeable batteries) and one base station, and it has been priced at Rs. 44,900.
An interesting feature of the Netgear Arlo Pro is two-way audio. This means that you can use this camera to talk to people standing near it, which could prompt some people to use this as a video doorbell. You can even monitor children from a different room such as the kitchen and keep talking to them while you cook.
Netgear says the Arlo Pro has instant motion alerts and a smart siren, which are targeted at alerting you about intruders. The siren is rated at over 100 decibels and could be an important deterrent for potential intruders. The camera also has night vision so it is useful both during the day and night. The camera is capable of providing HD video in complete darkness, thanks to its RGB-IR night vision technology. Netgear claims this tech illuminates the scene evenly and provides crisp details about things happening both near and far from the camera. Its passive motion sensor can detect movement up to 7 metres away from the camera and send an alert to your phone.
The companion app for Netgear Arlo Pro also has some new features. It now lets you arm or disarm the camera based on your location or schedule. The app is also available on Apple TV, which can be used to view camera feeds on the big screen. Netgear says Arlo can be connected to other smart home devices through services such as IFTTT and Samsung SmartThings.
Netgear claims that the Arlo Pro will get smart motion recognition technology later this year, which will use machine learning algorithms to identify people, cars, animals, among other things. This will allow the camera to send alerts for specific objects, species, or people, Netgear says.
Arlo’s free cloud storage allows you to record and store videos for seven days for free. You can connect up to five Arlo cameras to the cloud without paying any subscription fees. Additional storage can be purchased with a fee.
Netgear had earlier announced that the Arlo Pro (VMS4230) would cost Rs. 36,500. This report has been edited to reflect the revised price of the Arlo Pro.
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