Xiaomi is set to launch its new headphones in India on February 25. The next-generation headphones by the Chinese company are teased to feature dual dynamic drivers and come with a braided cable. Last year, Xiaomi expanded its range of audio products in India by launching the Mi Super Bass Wireless around-ear headphones with 40mm dynamic drivers and Bluetooth 5.0 connectivity. The company also offers the Mi Earphones and Mi Earphones Basic as two of its affordable in-ear headphone options for Indian customers.
The official Xiaomi India account on Twitter on Friday posted a teaser video to reveal the launch of the new headphones in the country. The 10-second video gives a glimpse at the braided cable and shows a tagline saying, “electrifying sound experience.” Additionally, the tweet carrying the video includes an HD Audio hashtag to suggest an enhanced audio experience. The headphones are also teased to provide “perfectly balanced sound” through dual dynamic drivers.
Perfectly balanced sound with twice the drive.#HDAudio unveiling on 25th February. pic.twitter.com/bXDvofZLS9
— Mi India #108MP IS COMING! (@XiaomiIndia) February 21, 2020
Xiaomi hasn't provided any details around what it would exactly launch in India on February 25. The existing portfolio of audio products by the company has options such as the Mi Earphones, Mi Earphones Basic, Mi Sports Bluetooth Earphones Basic, and Mi Super Bass Wireless Headphones starting as low as Rs. 399.
The latest audio offering by Xiaomi is speculated to take on the Realme Buds 2 headphones that the Oppo spin-off brand launched in India last year with a price tag of Rs. 599. The Realme Buds 2 also come with a braided cable and include an 11.2mm bass boost driver. The headphones also have built-in magnets to provide a distinct experience over other similar-priced models.
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