Sony WF-H800 TWS earphones have been launched in India. The earphones feature Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX (DSEE HX) that helps in restoring details of the high-range sound lost in compression, adding a rich and natural sound. The tri-hold structure of the WF-H800 TWS earphones makes them more comfortable and offers a secure fit. Additionally, the Sony Connect app on Android and iOS can be used to fine tune your listening experience.
The Sony WF-H800 earphones are priced at Rs. 14,990 and come in a single black colour option. The earphones will go on sale via Flipkart and Sony retail stores from today, September 24.
Sony WF-H800 earphones feature 6mm dome type Neodymium drivers and come with a frequency response rage of 20Hz to 20,000Hz. The earphones support Bluetooth 5.0 along with SBC and AAC audio formats. In terms of battery life, the Sony WF-H800 can deliver 8 hours of playtime on a single charge (additional 8 hours via the case) and can be completely charged in about 1.5 hours. A 10-minute charge can deliver up to 70 minutes of playtime.
The earphones support voice commands via Google Assistant and Amazon Alexa via one-touch access. The Sony WF-H800 feature a proximity sensor in each earbud that allow it to pause music when taken out of the ear and resume playback when put back in. The Digital Sound Enhancement Engine HX (DSEE HX) helps in reproducing digital music files with a rich and natural sound. The TWS earphones have a tri-hold structure that makes them more ergonomic and secure.
The Sony Headphones Connect mobile app can be used to fine tune your music. It offers eight pre-set EQ options along with a manual and two custom settings. Each earbud weighs 48 grams.
Which are the best truly wireless earphones under Rs. 10,000? We discussed this on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.
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