Skullcandy Venue headphones have been launched in India. The headphones offer active noise cancellation (ANC) technology to reduce ambient sound. Skullcandy claims that the Venue headphones deliver up to 24 hours of battery life on a single charge. Also, there is a Rapid Charge technology that is claimed to provide five hours of battery life with just a 10-minute charge. The headphones also come with a feature called Activate Assistant that lets you activate the voice assistant on your device with a touch of a button. There is also an embedded technology that comes in partnership with key finder device maker Tile to let you track or find your headphones through the Tile app.
The Skullcandy Venue price in India has been set at Rs. 18,999. The headphones will be available in Black/ Black and White/ Crimson colour options through,, and select retailers in the country starting today.
Featuring 40mm driver units, the Skullcandy Venue have a frequency range of 20Hz to 20,000Hz and an impedance rating of 32 ohms. The headphones have Bluetooth support for wireless connectivity, while a dedicated 3.5mm headphone jack is available to enable a wired connection. Skullcandy has provided a Monitor mode that lets you press a button to answer a question or speak with your nearby person without taking off your headphones. Further, there is a Tile integration to let you track with the headphones directly from your smartphone.
The Skullcandy Venue come with an Active Assistant feature that lets you interact with Google Assistant or Siri available on your smartphone with a press of a button. Similar to compelling options, the Venue also include ANC that is touted to offer a "noise-cancelling experience designed for everyone". The headphones are claimed to deliver up to 24 hours of battery life on a single charge and include a Rapid Charge technology to provide a fast charging experience.
The Skullcandy Venue come with a premium travel case and is bundled with a 1.2mm USB-to-Micro-USB charging cable, and removable 3.5mm AUX cable.
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