Saregama has now launched the successor of the Carvaan Mini in India. The Saregama Carvaan Mini 2.0 is an upscaled version with more Hindi songs added to the list, and a new AM/ FM radio mode. The Carvaan Mini 2.0 has been made available exclusively on Flipkart for its Indian customers, and has been priced at Rs. 2,490. The Bluetooth speaker is available in six colour options namely - Sapphire Green, Sunset Red, Regal Blue, Moonlight Black, Skyline Blue, and Mint Green colour options.
The Saregama Carvaan Mini 2.0 integrates 351 Hindi songs, which means a 100 new songs have been added to the mix. The pre-loaded songs on Mini 2.0 are evergreen hits from legends like Lata Mangeshkar, Asha Bhosle, Mohd. Rafi, Kishore Kumar and Mukesh. This wireless speaker supports Bluetooth v4.1, and has one USB port for connectivity. It sports an ABS plastic chassis, and takes four hours to fully charge. It offers 2-3 hours of playtime when fully charged.
The Saregama Carvaan Mini 2.0 has three buttons on its left, one to switch on Bluetooth, one for AM/ FM radio mode, and one for the preloaded Saregama music. On its right is the AUX output for attaching your smartphone and listening to music if you wish to, or another speaker. The dimensions are at 110x80x40mm. It retains other design elements from its predecessor. To recall, the original Carvaan Mini was launched last year in September for the same price.
Vikram Mehra, Managing Director, Saregama India said in a statement, "Over the last year, Carvaan has become an integral part of almost every music lover's life while being a perfect gift for your loved ones. Our products are completely based on consumer feedback, and Carvaan Mini 2.0 is no different. We expect this device to become the hottest personal and corporate gifting product this festival season."
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