Samsung India on Tuesday launched four new wireless AKG headphones and earphones -- Y100, Y500, N200 and N700NC M2 -- in India. While the AKG Y100 is priced at Rs. 6,699, the AKG N200 and AKG Y500 will cost Rs. 9,999 each and the AKG N700NC M2 will be available for Rs. 26,999. All four models will be available through Samsung e-store, exclusive outlets and all top retailers. They will also be available at leading online portals shortly.
"AKG has a 72-year old legacy in sound engineering and rich heritage in design. At Samsung, we are extremely proud to bring this new exciting lineup of headphones. These products embody Samsung's 'DoWhatYouCan't' philosophy by offering immersive music experience to consumers exactly as the artist intended. We are sure that AKG headphones will be a delight to our consumers," Aditya Babbar, Director, Mobile Business, Samsung India, said in a statement.
The AKG N700NC M2 are flagship headphones and come with a long lasting battery that provides 23 hours playback with Bluetooth and noise cancellation.
The AKG Y500 are on-ear wireless headphones that come in five colour options and play/pause automation to enable user to pause the music automatically when taking the headphones off, while the AKG Y100 are neck-band type earphones.
The AKG N200 are in-ear athleisure earphones that offer playback time of up to eight hours; there is also a fast charging feature which aims to give one full hour of listening time with just 10 minutes of charging.
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