Redmi Buds 6 was launched in India on Monday alongside the Redmi Note 14 5G series handsets, and will go on sale later this week. The TWS earphones were initially unveiled in China in September. They come with support for 49dB hybrid active noise cancellation (ANC) and 360-degree spatial audio. The earphones have an IP54 rating for dust and splash resistance and dual device connectivity. Buds 6 is claimed to offer a total battery life of up to 42 hours, together with the case.
The price of Redmi Buds 6 India is set at Rs. 2,999. The earphones will go on sale in the country starting December 13. Buds 6 will be available at a special launch price of Rs. 2,799 from December 13 to December 19. The audio wearable can be purchased via Amazon, Xiaomi India website and Xiaomi retail stores across the country.
These TWS earphones are offered in three colour options — Ivy Green, Spectre Black and Titan White.
The Redmi Buds 6 earphones come with 12.4mm titanium diaphragms and 5.5mm micro-piezoelectric ceramic units. They have a traditional in-ear design with silicone ear tips and an AI-backed dual-microphone system with wind noise reduction technology. The earphones support a 360-degree spatial audio experience and up to 49dB ANC, including a transparency mode. They support up to 60ms low latency which is said to ensure minimal lagging during gaming or online streaming of audio-visual content.
The newly launched Redmi earphones support Bluetooth 5.4 and dual device connectivity. They are compatible with the Xiaomi Earbuds app which allows users to customise equalisation settings and personalise gesture controls. They have an in-ear detection feature which stops audio playback when an earbud is taken off and resumes when it is worn back. Only the earphones, not the case, have an IP54-rated build for dust and splash resistance.
Redmi packs a 475mAh battery in the Redmi Buds 6 case, while each earbud carries a 54mAh cell. Together with the case, the earphones are said to provide a total playback time of up to 42 hours, whereas just the earphones can last for up to 10 hours on a single charge. A quick charge of 10 minutes is claimed to offer up to four hours of music playback time. The charging case has a USB Type-C port and a horizontal LED light panel which indicates the battery and charging status.
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