Looking for a pair of earphones or headphones on a tight budget? Or maybe a headset? Here is a list of headphones and headsets priced under Rs. 500 in India, arranged as per recency of launch, with the newest product on top and the oldest at the bottom. Each model is listed alongside its key specifications, including colour, headphone type (over-ear, on-ear, in-ear), connectivity type (wired, wireless), and even whether it features a microphone. The product is listed with its price, apart from links to its full specifications and other models from the same manufacturer.
Found what you were looking for? You may want to check out our other Headphones & Headsets pages: Headphones & Headsets Under Rs. 1,000, Headphones & Headsets Under Rs. 1,500, and Headphones & Headsets Under Rs. 2,000. Other useful tools include the Headphones & Headsets Compare and Finder pages.
Headphones Under 500 in India | Price in India |
JBL C50HI Wired Earphones | Rs. 449 |
boAt BassHeads 100 Wired Earphones | Rs. 399 |
boAt BassHeads 225 Wired Earphones | Rs. 499 |
JBL C100SI Wired Earphones | Rs. 450 |
boAt BassHeads 220 Wired Earphones | Rs. 453 |
Samsung EHS64 Wired Earphones | Rs. 209 |
Samsung HS130 Wired Earphones | Rs. 495 |
Logitech H110 Wired Headset | Rs. 499 |
Philips SHQ1200 Wired Earphones | Rs. 499 |
Panasonic RP-HJE140 Wired Earphones | Rs. 399 |