WhatsApp is reportedly working on a new feature that would allow users to post voice notes as status updates. At present, images and videos can be shared as WhatsApp status. The move by the Meta-owned instant messaging app would make it easier for people to keep audio notes as their status. The feature has been spotted in WhatsApp for Android beta v2.22.16.3, that is available via the Google Play Beta programme, however, it is not available to testers. A voice note shared as a status update is likely to be termed “voice status” and it is said to be protected by end-to-end encryption. Recently, WhatsApp has been spotted developing a chat sync feature that could allow users to sync chats between two smartphones.
According to a report by WhatsApp features tracker WABetaInfo, WhatsApp is said to be bringing improvements to the WhatsApp status feature and it will soon allow people to share audio notes as their WhatsApp status. Spotted in v2.22.16.3 WhatsApp beta for Android, the feature is still in development and is not visible to beta testers. A voice note shared as a status update could be called “voice status”. The report also includes a screenshot showing a voice note icon at the bottom of the status tab, giving users an idea of what the feature might look like when it starts rolling out. The voice status will be protected by end-to-end encryption and it will be visible to individuals selected within the status privacy settings. The feature may change before the rollout to beta testers or the general public.
WhatsApp was previously spotted working on a chat sync feature that could allow users to sync chats between two smartphones. The feature was spotted on beta version for Android. The company is also found to be working on adding an option to let users hide their online status. This functionality would allow users to choose who can see when they are online on the instant messaging app. It is likely to be available in a future update.
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