WhatsApp Messenger for Android has received a new update, which adds one nifty feature – continuous audio message playback – to the chat app. The latest stable build of WhatsApp on Android now automatically starts playing the next voice message sent to the user, once the previous voice clip has finished playing. The feature is already available in the iOS version of WhatsApp. However, a few features that were recently spotted testing in the beta channel such as the ability to share WhatsApp status as a story on Facebook and a dedicated QR code button in the app's profile section are yet to arrive.
The aforementioned feature has been added for the stable WhatsApp Android app with the v2.19.150 update. The continuous voice message playback feature removes the hassle of manually tapping the play button on the next voice message once the previous one has ended. Although it is not a major feature, it will certainly come in handy for conversations involving the exchange of multiple voice messages sent in quick succession. To recall, the feature was first spotted in WhatsApp beta 2.19.86 for Android back in March this year.
The continuous voice message playback feature is now available in the latest stable version of WhatsApp for Android. However, if you have not received the updated version via the Play Store, you can download the APK file of WhatsApp (v2.19.150) from APK Mirror. The update also patches a vulnerability (CVE-2019-3568) associated with the messaging app.
Unfortunately, some interesting features such as the ability to share WhatsApp status as a story on Facebook and a dedicated QR code button that was recently spotted testing are yet to arrive via the stable channel. Moreover, the new emoji style available through the doodle picker for status updates, which was also seen in beta testing last month, is missing from the latest WhatsApp update.
We discussed what WhatsApp absolutely needs to do in 2019, on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.
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