WhatsApp has brought the anticipated Picture-in-Picture (PiP) feature to all Android users. The Facebook-owned company has been adding new features to the messenger on a regular basis, and usually introduces them though beta builds. The Picture-in-Picture feature arrived in beta back in October, is now rolling to Android users through the WhatsApp version 2.18.380 - a stable build available via Google Play. The feature essentially lets you watch Instagram, Facebook, and YouTube videos in a small window and continue to scroll through individual WhatsApp chats. While the new update has now brought a dedicated PiP feature for all Android users, WhatsApp for iPhone has been offering an similar experience since January this year.
Here's how to use the Picture-in-Picture feature on the latest WhatsApp for Android. Uou can now watch Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube videos in a small window. The feature works in individual chats as well as group chats.
You don't need to enable an option on the latest WhatsApp for Android to experience the Picture-in-Picture feature. It works just with a link of any Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube videos. Once you tap that link, the video plays in a small, dedicated window that sits on top of your WhatsApp chats. This means you can continue to communicate either with individuals or the members of a WhatsApp group alongside watching the available Facebook, Instagram, or YouTube video.
It is worth noting here that while the new feature plays Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube videos in a separate window on WhatsApp, it doesn't work with the video clips shared natively on the instant messaging app. Similar is the case with videos being shared from other video platforms.
As we mentioned, WhatsApp was spotted testing the Picture-in-Picture feature on Android in October. The Facebook-owned company brought the feature initially for iOS users back in January.
All you need to enable the Picture-in-Picture feature is to download the latest WhatsApp for Android from Google Play. Android blog GoAndroid first spotted the feature in WhatsApp for Android version 2.18.380.
We discussed what WhatsApp absolutely needs to do in 2019, on Orbital, our weekly technology podcast, which you can subscribe to via Apple Podcasts or RSS, download the episode, or just hit the play button below.
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