Last week, WhatsApp slowly started rolling out the ability to share files of any type, and now, users of the Android beta report that one new feature (media bundling) has been added alongside one aesthetic change (a new call screen). The WhatsApp update may not seem much, but it does give you the option to send photos to your contacts as an album. This WhatsApp feature was rolled out to iPhone users earlier this month, and refines the sharing of multiple photos on the platform.
As per a report by Android Police, WhatsApp beta for Android users are reporting seeing a change in the way photo bundles will be shown to the sender and recipient. WhatsApp users can now send a bunch of photos to their friends, who will receive them bundled as an album and not as before, one after another. One the album is opened, all images are shown on a single page. The feature also indicates that WhatsApp will give more room for shared photos.
The new update also brings minor change to the WhatsApp call screen where users will now have to swipe up (seen below) instead of sideways to pick up a call.
Running the latest WhatsApp for Android beta, we see the above two features. Android Police reports that the ability to share any file type is slowly rolling out to stable users of the app, and notably, we have also received the feature.
To recall, last week, WhatsApp was reported to be rolling support for sharing of all types of files (including archives) on Android, iPhone, and Windows Phone with a limited number of users, removing any hindrance of file sharing on WhatsApp.
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