Google says verified badge helps users identify trusted VPN apps
Verified apps will be highlighted in search results and app pages
Apps must pass MASA Level 2 and meet Play Store API requirements
'Trusted' VPN apps will now have a check mark on the app details page in Play Store
Photo Credit: Google
Google on Tuesday announced a new way for users to identify ‘trusted' apps and make informed choices on the Play Store. Consumer-facing VPN apps that meet the user privacy and safety standards will now appear with a verified badge, in compliance with the Mountain View-based technology company's Play safety and security guidelines. Currently, NordVPN and Aloha Browser are some of the apps which are available with the verified badge on the Google Play Store.
Verified Badge for VPN Apps
In a blog post, Google highlighted that its new verified badge for VPN apps complements existing features like Google Play Store banner for VPNs and Play's Data safety declaration. Verified VPN apps will now be highlighted in search results, on app details pages, and in a dedicated section listing approved VPNs. To earn the verified badge, apps must meet the following criteria:
Complete a Mobile Application Security Assessment (MASA) Level 2 validation
Have an Organization developer account type
Meet target API level requirements for Google Play apps
Have at least 10,000 installs and 250 reviews
Be published on Google Play for at least 90 days
Submit a Data Safety section declaration, opting into:
Independent security review, under ‘Additional badges'
Google Play's MASA AL2 Lab Evaluation Photo Credit: Google
One of the first steps is to successfully undergo the Mobile Application Security Assessment (MASA) Level 2. Google's lab evaluates public versions of apps, provides assessment feedback and remediation steps for flagged issues directly to developers. While this doesn't guarantee approval, Google says fulfilling the aforementioned requirements “significantly” enhances the chances of earning the badge.
The company claims a verified badge can help developers enhance their app's credibility and attract more users. Currently, NordVPN,, and Aloha Browsers are some of the VPN apps on Google Play Store listed with the badge, helping them stand out in a “fairly crowded” marketplace.