WhatsApp has finally launched its Dark Mode feature for all Android and iPhone users. It has been in testing phase for about a year and now users can download the latest WhatsApp Messenger update from the Google Play Store and Apple App Store to get the new feature. WhatsApp dark mode has more of a dark grey tone rather than a black background. Android users who are on Android 10 and iPhone users on iOS 13 can get WhatsApp Dark Mode by enabling the Dark Mode in their system settings.
Dark Mode gives users the option to change the theme of the app to something that minimises eye fatigue, as opposed to a brighter background. This is especially helpful in dimly lit environments.
You will also find a System default option when you tap on Theme which will automatically switch between light and dark mode according to the default system settings.
This manual method is not available for iOS 13 users. And, iPhone users who do not have iOS 13 will not be able to experience WhatsApp's Dark Mode.
The WhatsApp team shared the details of this update on their blog where they mentioned that the focus for implementing Dark Mode was readability and information hierarchy. By readability, it means using colours that are closer to the system defaults on both platforms, iOS and Android. By information hierarchy, the Facebook owned company means using colours and design elements “to make sure the most important information stands out.”
The Dark Mode update is slowly rolling out to all users and will take a few days to reach everyone.
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