Apple on Thursday updated the design for the App Store Web interface. Now app searches on Google Chrome, Safari, and other Web browsers will showcase bold design aesthetics similar to the iOS 11 App Store app. The App Store Preview Web interface has essentially been revamped and it comes with prominent large icons, larger preview images, and a clean page layout.
The new Apple App Store for Web has the feel of the iOS 11 App Store, which the company had redesigned and launched in September 2017. In the new design, Apple has incorporated a lot of white space giving the interface a cleaner and simpler look. Additionally, there appears to be more emphasis on app reviews. The design takes cues from the App Store in iOS 11, which features larger images and as mentioned, a focus on reviews. There is a larger app heading and with a notification on top saying "This app is only available in the App Store for iOS devices." Also, a 'what's new' section complete with version history logs has been placed below the description. There are other options like family sharing support and a 'you may also like' section as well.
In the new design, below the app icons, users can see star ratings, purchasing information, screenshots, app description, update information, reviews, app size, and device compatibility among other things. Interestingly, Apple has also posted screenshots from the iPhone X for apps that are optimised for it. For the other iPhone models, Apple still showcases the old smartphones.
Apple started Web previews back in 2010 to enable users to browse mobile apps on a desktop without going through iTunes. There have been a few changes over the years, but this one seems to be one of the biggest overhauls. Apple appears to be completely revamping its offerings after the launch of the iPhone X. Last year, after redesigning the App Store on iOS 11, in September 2017, it had decided to remove the built-in App Store from its iTunes app for Mac and Windows.
Without App Store in iTunes, iOS apps could only be downloaded directly on an iPhone or iPad, instead of downloading on a Mac and then transferred. Although in October, Apple quietly released a new version of iTunes bringing back many of the features.
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