Amazon is reportedly working on a redesign of its Prime Video interface on mobile devices. According to a new report, Jennifer Salke, Head of Amazon Studios has confirmed that a completely refreshed user interface is in the works for the Amazon Prime Video mobile app. The Amazon Prime Video app has not seen a big update in terms of UI for a long time now. In comparison, Amazon's rival Netflix has brought several new features to the app in the past few months. Almost five months after taking up the position of Head of Amazon Studios, Salke has now unveiled her strategy for the streaming service and she clearly wants to start with a UI makeover.
As per a report in The Wrap, during Amazon's presentation at the Television Critics Association press tour, Salke was asked if the company was working on improving the Amazon Video user interface. Salke hinted that she has not only seen a prototype with a new interface, but that she has one in her office. She reportedly said that she has been using a smartphone with a "much more intuitive" user interface that she keeps in her office.
Interestingly, her words imply that Amazon is testing a smartphone of its own, and not just a new Amazon Prime Video UI. However, it seems that Salke made a blunder in this case. According to The Wrap, an Amazon spokeswoman later clarified that she was supposed to say "prototype user interface" on an existing smartphone, instead of a "prototype smartphone."
Whatever be the case, most people will be content with a new Amazon Prime Video UI that has less clutter, and is more focused on shows and movies. Notably, Amazon has not provided any timeline for the rollout of the new user interface.
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