Although considerably later to the smart speaker segment than Google and Amazon, Apple launched the HomePod in 2018. The speaker finally made it to India over two years after its global launch, priced at Rs. 19,900. Like many Apple products, the HomePod is built to work well within the Apple ecosystem, thanks to specialised connectivity and voice assistant support through Apple's own technologies such as AirPlay and Siri. If the size or price of the HomePod are key factors in your buying decision, Apple's latest launch has made it a bit easier to own one of its smart speakers.
The Apple HomePod mini is a smaller, more affordable version of the HomePod, and is priced at Rs. 9,900. For the price, you get Apple's typically clinical approach to sound quality, along with tightly-controlled systems that work well with Apple products. Although small, the HomePod mini is the best-sounding compact smart speaker you can buy today.
If you have two, it gets even better, with support for proper stereo pairing that gives the system a much-enhanced soundstage and volume capabilities. Regardless of whether you have one or two, this is the best compact smart speaker you can buy today, assuming you're well invested in the Apple ecosystem.
Product Name | Price in India |
Apple HomePod Mini (White) | ₹ 9,900 |
Apple HomePod mini (Space Grey) | ₹ 9,900 |
Apple HomePod mini price in India starts from ₹ 9,900. The lowest price of Apple HomePod mini is ₹ 9,900 at Flipkart on 31st January 2025.
Brand | Apple |
Model | HomePod mini |
Price in India | ₹9,900 |
Model Name | HomePod mini |
OS Compatibility | iOS |
Video calls to supported devices | Yes |
Controls smart home devices | Yes |
Functions | Siri |
Touchpad | Yes |
Width | 97.9mm |
Height | 84.3mm |
Weight | 345g |