Flipkart has launched the first smartphone under its Billion brand, named Billion Capture+. As the name suggests, it’s a camera-focused smartphone and bears a dual camera setup (13-megapixel RGB + 13-megapixel monochrome) on the back. Other highlights of the handset include fast-charging support and unlimited cloud storage. The ‘Made in India’ smartphones come in two variants, one with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage at Rs. 10,999 and the other with 4GB RAM and 64GB storage at Rs. 12,999. The Flipkart phone has a 5.5-inch full-HD display, stock Android 7.1.2 Nougat software, microSD storage support up to 128GB, 3500mAh battery, and 8-megapixel front camera. It will come in Mystic Black and Desert Gold colours, and go on sale on November 15, with no-cost EMIs and discounts on select debit and credit cards.
Jio cashback offer with benefits worth up to Rs. 2,599 goes live
Reliance Jio has officially announced a new cashback offer that provides consumers cashback and vouchers worth up to Rs. 2,599 on recharges of Rs. 399 or more. The new Jio cashback offer is available for Prime subscribers, though new users will get more benefits compared to existing users. Buyers will get eight vouchers worth Rs. 50 (redeemable from November 15) from Jio, wallet cashback up to Rs. 300 (redeemable immediately), and discounts on Yatra.com, Ajio.com, and Reliancetrends.com (redeemable from November 20) as part of the Jio offer.
iPhone X screen unresponsive in cold weather, 360-degree selfies introduced
Some iPhone X users have reported that the display of their handset becomes temporarily unresponsive in cold weather. Fortunately, the issue is not widespread as very few users have reported the problem. Apple has acknowledged the issue, and will be addressing it via a software update soon.
The company’s Clips movie making app has introduced several new features, including 360-degree selfies for iPhone X using the TrueDepth sensors. Called Selfie Scenes, the feature provides option of 10 Apple-designed scenes that add augmented landscapes on the handset, with unique locations, characters, colours and visual styles, including two scenes from the upcoming Star Wars: The Last Jedi movie.
Gionee M7 Power India launch on November 15
Gionee will launch the M7 Power smartphone in India on November 15; the smartphone had been launched in China in September. Its highlights are the 5000mAh battery and the 18:9 aspect ratio for the display. Other key features of the Gionee phone include 6-inch HD+ (720x1440px) display, 1.4GHz octa-core Snapdragon 435 chipset, 4GB of RAM, 64GB internal storage, microSD card support up to 256GB, Android Nougat OS, dual SIM support, 13-megapixel rear camera and 8-megapixel front camera. The Gionee M7 Power price in the company’s home market is CNY 1,999, which roughly translates to roughly Rs. 20,000.
Twitter expands display name character count, suspends blue tick verifications
Twitter has raised the character count for user display name to 50 characters, within days of doubling the limit for characters in tweets for all users. Similarly, the username (@handle) can be up to 15 characters long. On the other hand, Twitter has stopped blue tick verifications for users. The Twitter Support account said while the tick was supposed to verify the identity of users, it was taken as “an endorsement or a sign of importance.” For now, the process has been stopped for “all general verifications.” Twitter had been criticised for verifying the account of one of the organisers of a white supremacist rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, USA, where one person died.
Facebook’s effort to combat revenge porn involves employees seeing users’ nude images
Earlier this week, Facebook announced a new initiative to battle revenge porn, under which users can share their nude images (with themselves via Messenger) and the company will hash them to make sure they are not published on Facebook or Instagram again. Now it turns out “specially trained professionals” from the company’s Community Operations team will see the images and create the hash for them; hashing refers to the process of creating a human-unreadable digital fingerprint of the image. When someone else tries to upload the same image, the company will be able to identify it using the digital fingerprint and it will not be uploaded on the Facebook network.
Uber will not be profitable in the US for at least six months
Uber CEO Dara Khosrowshahi has revealed that the ride-sharing company will not be profitable in the US for at the least the next six months as Lyft continues to gain from strength to strength. While the company may break even in some cities, the overall US market will not make any profits for the company. However, it was profitable in the US and Canada, though that was only for a brief period.
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